Racing Products

HÉLIOS® Mainsail halyard • Mainsail sheet • Mainsail foot • Genoa halyard • Genoa sheet spinnaker halyard • spinnaker sheet • spinnaker guy • Reefing pennant Downhaul • Furling line
Cover: 24-plait mixed Technora® or Vectran® and continuous polyester braid
Core: 16-plait Dyneema® sK75 standard braid, or racing in 12-plait Dyneema® sK78 or sK90 braid, coated with polyurethane and pre-stretched
Good tension and abrasion resistance. Excellent performance in jammers and winches.
Easy to splice and strip due to its polyurethane coating. Black Technora® and Vectran® are privileged for halyards and yellow Technora® for sheets.

ALBATROS® Mainsail halyard • Mainsail sheet • Mainsail foot • Genoa halyard • Genoa sheet Mainsail and genoa traveller car • spinnaker halyard • spinnaker sheet • spinnaker guyReefing pennant • Pole toping lift • Downhaul • Boom toping lift • Vang rigging • Furling line • Tackles
Cover: 24-plait continuous mottled polyester braid
Core: 16-plait Dyneema® sK75 standard braid or racing in 12-plait Dyneema® sK78 or sK90 braid, coated with polyurethane and pre-stretched
Thanks to the 24-plait cover in polyester, this braid has an excellent resistance to abrasion. Good tensile strength thanks to its Dyneema® core. Easy to splice and recommended for sheets and halyards. For runners with splices on crossed thimbles, a Dyneema® sK90 core is advised.

MINOS® Mainsail halyard • Genoa halyard • Spinnaker halyard • Tackle
Cover: 24-plait continuous polyester braid
Core: 12-plait Dyneema® SK75 and Vectran® braid
Almost exclusive use for halyards. This rope is characterized by its flexibility, light weight and very low creep. Due to a combination of two high performance fibres, Minos® is a multi-purpose halyard with an excellent performance/price ratio. Particularly recommended for textile backstays

MILLÉNIUM® Mainsail halyard • Genoa halyard • Spinnaker halyard • Spinnaker guy
Cover: 24-plait Vectran® or Technora® and polyester braid
Core: 12-plait Dyneema® SK75 and Vectran® braid
The combination of two fibres in the core makes this hybrid rope a product of high performance with extremely low creep. It also confers a good tension and abrasion resistance and ensures a good performance in jammers.
This easily spliced rope is recommended in Vectran® version for halyards, and in Technora® for spinnaker guys.

HÉOLIA® Mainsail sheet • Genoa sheet • Spinnaker sheet • Gennaker sheet
Cover: 24-plait mixedTechnora® or Vectran®/ polyester / Dyneema® SK75 braid
Core: 12-plait Dyneema® SK78 braid, coated with polyurethane and pre-stretched
HEOLIA® braid was conceived for an intensive and continuous use. Thanks to its cover made from mixed fibres, this rope has a very high resistance to abrasion and a good holding on winches. It is easy to splice and its double-braid structure allows it to be occasionally striped.

LIFELINE •Visible at night •Stronger than quality steel •Safety on board
For retro-reflective lifeline: 24-plait Dyneema® SK75 coated braid, with 2 retro-reflective threads
For non retro-reflective lifeline: 24-plait Dyneema® SK75 coated braid
Core: 12-plait Dyneema® SK78 coated and pre-stretched braid
This lifeline with Dyneema® offers maximum strength at minimum weight. Stronger than quality steel and so light, it floats on water. Extremely durable, this rope resists to moisture, UV light and chemicals.
The retro-reflective markers make this lifeline very visible at night so people on board can easily see their safety zone, resulting in less accidents. Dyneema® is 15 times stronger than steel on a weight- for-weight basis. These lifelines provide a significant benefit compared to conventional heavy weight steel wire lifelines.
In addition, the weight reduction improves the performance of the boat which is especially important for racing yachts

DYNEEMA® BRAID Tackle • Spine pole pendant • Vang rigging • Lashing • Backstays • Runner
Standard braid in 16 plaits Dyneema® SK75, SK78 or SK90
Racing braid in 12 plaits Dyneema® SK78 or SK90
Excellent resistance and light weight. Low creep and low stretch at break. Easy to splice, this floating rope is UV resistant
and rot-proof. The polyurethane coating ensures better resistance to abrasion. The tightened braid gives a little more extension.
It’s recommended for Kite surfing. The standard rope is ideal for lashing and racing version for backstays.